Thursday, February 26, 2015

Food Phobia

How many of you out there have stories about the one food you just can't stand? Or perhaps the time some tricked you into trying something you thought you hated, only to find out it was really yummy? Or maybe you just have a list of "no way" foods because they just sound, look or smell gross to you? Yes, you guessed it; you have food phobia!

My food phobias come from all sorts of places. I don't do Cheez-Its just because of the story of me eating too many of them when I was little and getting sick. All I have to do is smell them and it grosses me out. I also have a ton of foods I don't like because they are creamy. I truly believe having to eat oatmeal after it making me gag and my mom not believing that I wasn't faking it has helped contribute to that one. It's not all creamy foods - but oatmeal and mashed potatoes are still on my "no way" list.

One area where I've slowly come around is cooked vegetables. I used to be all about salad and carrot sticks and even raw string beans and peas. Nice and crunchy and tasty too! Now mind you, there's still some vegetables I won't eat but all in all, I've discovered I need to retry them now to know for sure. I think it all started with a tasting at the downtown Marriott with our incoming President Pat Williams. I wish I could remember exactly what soup they served but it was totally delish! It has some sort of bean in it and I'm pretty sure it was cream of asparagus or artichoke or something equally weird. I loved it...she loved it...we served it at her Inaugural to rave reviews. My mom was stunned I ate it.

So here we are at tonight's recipe. I'll have plenty more that involve stuff no one ever thought I'd like, but I thought I'd start with a pizza. For my friends who are picky eaters or have kids who are picky eaters, a pizza is a great way to throw some toppings on that you want to try but you don't want to "ruin" your meal if you don't like them. You cut your vegetables or meats in small pieces that can be easily picked off if absolutely necessary, but I bet you won't!

White Pizza with Artichoke Hearts

1 c. mozzarella         1/4 c. chopped onion       1 tsp. minced garlic        1 tsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. oregano       1/2 tsp. cumin                   1/4 tsp. paprika              1/8 tsp. black pepper
8 cherry tomatoes    14.75 oz. marinated artichoke hearts, drained        1 c. feta cheese
3/4 c. swiss                2 oz. sliced havarti          1 tbsp. basil                    1 pizza crust


  1. Prepare and measure all ingredients.
  2. Oil a large cookie sheet or pizza pan and dust with cornmeal.
  3. Spread prepared crust evenly.
  4. Sprinkle mozzarella. 
  5. Saute onion and garlic in oil about 3 minutes.
  6. Stir in seasonings and then sprinkle over cheese.
  7. Quarter the tomatoes and spread both them and the artichoke hearts next.
  8. Layer with feta, swiss and havarti.
  9. Sprinkle basil all over.
  10. Bake at 400 for 8 - 10 minutes until crust is lightly brown and cheeses are all melted.
I have to confess. This is my version of the recipe. There are some of my food phobias I'm not quite ready to give up. The author recommends a 4.75 oz can of black olives too. I just can't do olives!

What foods do you hate? What do you love? What do you think you might want to give another chance?

As always, have fun!

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