Saturday, February 14, 2015

My Valentines

Ok so I have to admit that I really didn't think I would be writing about Valentine's Day on Valentine's Day. I know that sounds funny to most but it's never been high on my favorite holiday list. I've always wondered why you need a special day to tell someone you love them when you should do that every day. Then, my cynical self said it's a greeting card industry holiday designed to make a buck. Finally, the crushing blow. My favorite valentine from when I could walk and talk, my grandfather, died on Valentine's. Pretty cruel right?

On this 14th anniversary of his passing, I can tell you it doesn't get easier, not really. I have my good days and bad days, good years and bad etc. But how do you ever get over the loss of someone so essential in your life? Well, you live it - because at the end of the day you know that person would hate you moping and mourning what could have been. So, I choose you dear reader. You're my valentine. I was lucky to have grandparents who loved me and a grandfather I absolutely adored. My recipes today are in honor of both of them.

Nana's Famous Chicken Wings

3 lbs. chicken wings         3 tbsp. soy sauce       1 tbsp. sugar    3 tbsp. 7-up    2 cloves garlic
3 tbsp. vinegar (she used white, I use balsamic) dash of tabasco (not necessary)

  1. Mix all ingredients except chicken together.
  2. Marinate chicken in sauce overnight.
  3. Bake on cookie sheet at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  4. Switch to broil setting and broil for a few minutes until crisp.
Everyone's at least heard of my nana's chicken wings, if not tried them at some point. What recipe to do for Grampy though? He wasn't exactly the cook of the family. I could talk about Magni's bread and peanut butter and cheese sandwiches, but I have a feeling that's an acquired taste. Or perhaps I could tell you about how I hated beer until he passed and the night of his wake when we went to the 99, the whole table looked at me like I was nuts when I ordered a Bud Light. Thanks Grampy!  Instead, I choose an ingredient that embodies him. His love of cashews, which I happily inherited. I could eat cashews all day long!

Butterscotch Cashew Bars

1 c. + 2 tbsp. butter, softened    3/4 c. + 2 tbsp. brown sugar     2 1/2 c. flour     1 3/4 tsp. salt
10 oz. butterscotch chips           1/2 c. + 2 tbsp. light corn syrup         3 tbsp. butter
2 tsp. water                                2 1/2 c. salted cashew halves

  1. In a bowl, combine butter and brown sugar.
  2. Add flour and salt until just combined.
  3. Press into a greased 15x10x1 pan.
  4. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes.
  5. Combine butterscotch chips, corn syrup, butter and water in a saucepan.
  6. Cook and stir over medium heat until chips and butter are melted.
  7. Spread over crust.
  8. Sprinkle with cashews and press down lightly.
  9. Bake for 11-13 minutes or until topping is bubbly and light brown.
  10. Cool on wire rack and cut into bars.
So again Happy Valentine's Day to all of you - hope your day was special. Mine always is despite the sadness because I have plenty of valentines, past, present and future to warm my heart.

As always, have fun!

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